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ADEL Cholesterinum Mother Tincture Q

ADEL Cholesterinum Mother Tincture Q
ADEL Cholesterinum Mother Tincture Q

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  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: bottle of 20 ml Mother Tincture

About Adel  Cholesterinum Morher Tincture (MT)

Adel Cholesterinum Morher Tincture (MT)  is used for maintaining blood sugar, diabetes mellitus and increased frequency of urination, increased thirst, hyper-glycaemia, weakness and cramps.

Adel Cholesterinum Morher Tincture (MT) Tablet  Uses:

·         lowers the increased VLDL-cholesterol levels

·         treatment of renal colic and effectively treats symptoms associated

·         Cholesterinum is an excellent tonic for liver and relieves pain the liver region

·         Helps in recurring attacks of gall stones and relives pain

·         Also provide relief from nausea and vomiting


Adel Cholesterinum Morher Tincture (MT)  Composition:

·         Cholesterinum

Directions For Use:

Take 10 drops of tincture in half cup of water three times a day or as directed by the physician.

cholesterinum Morher Tincture (MT) side effects – There are no known side effects

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