Homeopathy cure for Halitosis

Bad breath, also known as Halitosis can be embarrassing and can cause anxiety.
Certain food items, health conditions, and habits are among the reasons for bad breath. In many instances it is possible to improve bad breath by maintaining regular dental hygiene. If self-care methods do not solve the issue visit your dentist or a physician to ensure that the issue isn't responsible for your bad breath.


Odors of bad breath vary dependent on the cause or the causes. Many people are concerned about their breath, even when they have only a slight or no smell in their mouths and others suffer from bad breath but don't realize that it's there. Because it's difficult to know the smell of your breath you should ask a trusted family member or friend to verify your concerns about bad breath.


The majority of bad breath begins within your mouth and there are a myriad of possibilities of the reason. These include:-

      food:The breakdown of food particles within and around your teeth could increase the amount of bacteria in your mouth and create an unpleasant smell. Certain food items, like garlic, onions, and spices, can result in bad breath. Once you've digested these foods in your bloodstream, they get into your system and then are carried into your lungs , and can affect the breath of yours.
      Smoking tobacco products: Smoking causes its own mouth odor that is unpleasant. Smokers and those who use oral tobacco are also more likely to develop gum disease, which is another cause for bad breath.
      Poor hygiene in the dental area:If you don't clean your teeth and floss regularly food particles are left in your mouth, which can cause bad breath. A white, sticky film made up of bacteria (plaque) develops over your teeth. If it is not removed it can cause irritation to your gums and lead to pockets of plaque between your gums and teeth (periodontitis). The tongue can also hold bacteria that create unpleasant odors. If your dentures aren't maintained regularly or don't fit correctly could contain odor-causing bacteria as well as food particles.
      Dry mouth: Saliva helps cleanse your mouth by removing the contaminants that contribute to bad smells. Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia (zeer-o-STOE-me-uh) is a cause of bad breath due to the fact that the saliva production is diminished. Dry mouth occurs naturally while you sleep, which can cause "morning breath," and it can get worse if you rest in a position where your mouth remains open. Dry mouth is a common problem caused by an issue in your salivary glands as well as certain diseases.
      Medical Treatment:Some medications can indirectly cause bad breath, by causing dry mouth. Other medications can be broken down by the body and release chemicals that are then absorbed through your breath. 


The Merc Sol: For a bad breath with Moist Mouth

If bad Breath is associated with a more salivary mouth and a moist mouth, Merc Sol is the best treatment. The majority of people who require this natural remedy emit an extremely offensive smell out of their mouths. They also have the mouth constantly moist due to the increased amount of saliva. The salivary glands are hyperactive producing saliva in excessive quantities. The saliva can be an irritant. The smell of breath is so strong that it fills the entire space. In addition to the excessive amount of saliva, the need for water increases. MercSol is also beneficial for treating Bad Breath arising out of dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease that causes bleeding, spongy gums. Merc Sol also is preferred treatment in the treatment of Bad Breath with ulcers in the mouth too. A metallic sweet taste could be noticed along with Bad Breath with all situations that are mentioned above.              
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Pulsatilla: To treat bad breath with dry mouth

To treat Bad Breath that is caused by dry mouth Pulsatilla will be your best remedy that is natural. Pulsatilla is very effective for cases of Bad Breath with a dry mouth. Additionally, the patient may have little desire for any water despite having dry mouth. This increases the offensiveness of the smell. The tongue appears to be covered in thick mucus. The taste of the mouth is also diverse and can range from salty to unpleasant and foul, or in some instances there is no taste whatsoever.
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Kreosote: Bad breath from decayed teeth or cavities

Kreosote is the most effective solution to treat Bad Breath due to decayed teeth. Kreosote is a great aid in getting rid of Bad Breath which is a result of tooth decay. A few people also be suffering from bleeding gums and decayed teeth. A bitter taste in the mouth is often observed.
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Hepar Sulph as well as Carbo Vegetables: To Treat Gum Infection and Bad Breath

The primary gum conditions that can cause bad mouth smell can be classified as Gingivitis (inflamed gums) and Pyorrhoea Alveolaris (discharge of blood and pus out of gums). The two medications Hepar Sulph as well as Carbo Veg show their worth in the treatment of gum diseases. Hepar Sulph is a remedy in any condition where pus discharges from gums due to bad breath. Hepar Sulph can treat the root cause of the problem, and aids in the absorption process of the pus from gums, decreasing the severity of bad breath. Carbo Veg is a great treatment for bad breath caused by discharge of the gum and pus. If blood and pus are leaking from gums Bad Breath are accompanied by salivation or a loss of saliva, it is Merc Sol is the best solution.
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Carbolic Acid: for Constipation, Bad Breath and Bad Breath

The symptoms that accompany the use of Carbolic Acid include a bloated abdomen caused by constipation. The abdomen can be discomforted due to the high amount of wind that is circulating in it. People may have complaints of a decreased or extreme hunger. A bad taste or nausea in the mouth are also common symptoms.e.t.c

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