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Ralson Pankreaso Drops (30ml)

Ralson Pankreaso Drops (30ml)
Ralson Pankreaso Drops (30ml)

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  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: 30ml

About Ralson Pankreaso Drop

Ralson Remedies Pankreaso Drop specialized  impaired digestion and helps in reducing the bloated abdomen nausea, belching, or pain in the upper abdominal  bloated abdomen and colic Composition of Ralson Pankreaso Drops

·         Acidum Phosphoricum 12X

·         Arsenicum Album 8X

·         Lycopodium 30X

·         Natrum Sulphuricum 12X

·         Phaseolus Nanus 12X

·         Secale Cornutum 4X

·         Uranium Nitricum 30X

Doses of Ralson Pankreaso Drops

Take 10-15 drops in water thrice daily. Store in a cool & dark place. Shake well before use.

Side effects: There are no known Side-effects

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