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Dr. Reckeweg Avena Sativa 30 CH (11ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Avena Sativa 30 CH (11ml)
Dr. Reckeweg Avena Sativa 30 CH (11ml)

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  • Stock: 100
  • Packsize: 11ml

Information on RW Avena Sativa 30

Also Known As: Oather

Active Ingredients:

Avena Sativa (Extract)

Extra Neutralized Alcohol (E.N. A.)

Used For:

·         It used as energy booster or tackle weakness in males or after bed ridden/ Exhaustive disease.

·         Relieves in sleeping disorder (helps to get proper sleep)

·         Stabilizes hormonal changes in male or female

·         Helps to uplift sexual desire in men and women


How to Use:


As directed by homeopathic Physician or Take 10 to 15 drops in quarter cup of water in every three/four hour 


Things to remember:


Homeopathic medicines can be used for various conditions.

Avoid foods or herbs which have strong scent

Keep at least 10 to 15 minutes gap between foods/other medicines.

Keep away from the children reach and should be used under certified homeopathic physician

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